WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Fund

Cboe: QHY

Listed April 27, 2016

The WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Fund seeks to track the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Index.  The Index is designed to capture the performance of selected issues in the U.S. non-investment-grade corporate bond market that are deemed to have attractive fundamental, valuation, and income characteristics. 

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WisdomTree Investments, Inc., through its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Europe (collectively, "WisdomTree"), is an exchange-traded fund ("ETF") and exchange-traded product ("ETP") sponsor and asset manager headquartered in New York. WisdomTree offers products covering equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities and alternative strategies. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter .
