Cboe Book Viewer
The Cboe Book Viewer shows the top buy (bids) and sell (asks) orders for any stock trading on the Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges. The Book Viewer shows real-time current bids/asks for a company's stock, the last 10 trades, number of orders accepted, and total volume traded on the relevant Cboe exchange.
The Book Viewer shows data for each of the Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges – BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA – and you can toggle between them in the upper left-hand corner of the tool.
Book Viewer
Orders Accepted | Total Volume | Expand All | Select MIC to filter: | |
487,903 | 19,336,828 |
Top of Book | Last 10 Trades | |||||
Shares | Price | Time | Price | Shares | ||
Asks | 100 | 0.1281 | 18:57:02 | 0.0886 | 1 | |
100 | 0.1279 | 18:49:35 | 0.0892 | 500 | ||
100 | 0.1200 | 18:47:12 | 0.0889 | 100 | ||
100 | 0.1149 | 18:47:09 | 0.0889 | 100 | ||
100 | 0.0930 | 18:44:11 | 0.0900 | 100 | ||
Bids | 2,000 | 0.0885 | 18:44:10 | 0.0900 | 100 | |
100 | 0.0831 | 18:41:07 | 0.0914 | 10 | ||
6,000 | 0.0790 | 18:39:02 | 0.0914 | 100 | ||
1 | 0.0714 | 18:36:50 | 0.0937 | 1 | ||
1 | 0.0705 | 18:35:19 | 0.0891 | 100 |
Last updated 18:57:10