Top Exchange Members

The Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges connect hundreds of different market participants to a growing consolidation and diversity of liquidity. The table below shows the top market participants on each of the Cboe U.S. Equities Exchanges broken out by Tape (Tape A, NYSE-listed; Tape B, Regional-listed; Tape C, NASDAQ-listed). Cboe thanks these Exchange Members for their support as we continue our mission of powering your potential.

Top Exchange Members

1.Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
2.BofA Securities, Inc.
3.Instinet, LLC

Exchange Member is defined as a Member of either the BZX, BYX, EDGX or EDGA Exchange. This list includes consenting Exchange Members based on their total volume on BZX, BYX, EDGX or EDGA Exchange for the last 30 calendar days.