CFE Fee Schedule

Please refer to the CFE Fee Schedule for additional detail pertaining to CFE fees. Please contact the CFE Trade Desk or your Business Development contact for support or with any questions.

Fee Codes and Associated Fees:

Fee CodeDescriptionFee/(Rebate)
ECiBoxx Emerging Markets Bond Index Futures (IEMD) - Customer 0.44
EPiBoxx Emerging Markets Bond Index Futures (IEMD) - TPH 0.29
GCIBGO Customer 1.04
HCiBoxx iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond Index Futures (IBHY) - Customer 1.04
HPiBoxx iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond Index Futures (IBHY) - TPH 0.34
ICiBoxx iShares $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index Futures (IBIG) - Customer 1.04
IPiBoxx iShares $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index Futures (IBIG) - TPH 0.34
NCMini Cboe Volatility Index (VXM) Futures Monthly Expiration - Customer 0.20
NPMini Cboe Volatility Index (VXM) Futures Monthly Expiration - TPH 0.07
UCOptions on Cboe Volatility Index Futures (UX) - Customer 1.47
UPOptions on Cboe Volatility Index Futures (UX) - TPH 1.38
VCCboe S&P 500 Variance Futures (VA) - Customer 0.15
VPCboe S&P 500 Variance Futures (VA) - TPH 0.10
WCCboe Volatility Index Futures (VX) Weekly Expiration - Customer 1.51
WMVolatility Index Futures (VX) Weekly Expiration Maker - TPH 1.14
WTVolatility Index Futures (VX) Weekly Expiration Taker - TPH 1.14
XC1Cboe Volatility Index Futures (VX) Monthly Expiration - Customer 1.51
XP2Cboe Volatility Index Futures (VX) Monthly Expiration - TPH 1.14
YCIBYO Customer 1.04


  1. The Standard VX futures Customer fee code ("XC") is the default transaction fee code that applies if a Customer’s Spread Order with Weekly VX futures legs trades against another Spread Order with Standard VX futures legs.

  2. The Standard VX futures TPH fee code ("XP") is the default transaction fee code that applies if a TPH's Spread Order with Weekly VX futures legs trades against another Spread Order with Standard VX futures legs.