U.S. Regulatory Complaints, Tips and Referrals Form
The Cboe Regulatory Program includes surveillance, investigations, and/or examinations relating to compliance with Exchange rules. The Program is conducted internally in conjunction with certain regulatory services conducted on behalf of the Exchanges by FINRA and/or The Options Clearing Corporation, as applicable. The Cboe Regulatory Division encourages Members, TPHs and other market participants of the Exchanges to share complaints and tips directly with the Cboe Regulatory Staff, who will then review them and determine what further action may be necessary, such as further investigation, taking steps to address violative conduct, and/or recommending disciplinary action where rule violations are found. Members, TPHs and market participants wishing to share information or report specific events involving suspicious trading behaviors or potentially violative activities on any of the Exchanges should complete the'U.S. Regulatory Complaints, Tips and Referrals' form below.
Members, TPHs and market participants of the Exchanges may also submit comments to the Cboe Regulatory Division by calling one of the Regulatory Hotlines. To comment and provide your identity, call the Regulatory Hotline at (312) 786-7261. To comment and remain anonymous, call the Anonymous Regulatory Hotline at (312) 786-8600.
Please note the Cboe Regulatory Division will not share the details of its investigations or regulatory methodologies with complainants and it does not offer incentives of any kind in exchange for this information. The Cboe Regulatory staff, and any successor thereto, shall investigate or examine possible violations within the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Exchange whenever the Regulatory staff determines in its sole discretion there is a reasonable basis for it to do so.