Public Policy

Strategic Proactive Leadership

Strategic, Proactive Leadership

Cboe and its subsidiaries operate in a highly regulated environment. Legislation and rules implemented by policymakers greatly affect the markets Cboe operates, and the investors Cboe serves. As a global market leader and innovator, Cboe is committed to proactively addressing key issues of interest and providing transparency into our policy agenda.

Strategic Proactive Leadership

Comment Letters &
Consultation Responses

Our responses to various requests for comments on proposed rules and consultations from policymakers.

General Advocacy

Our views on various public policy topics.

Most Recent:


Corporate Political Involvement

We are committed to disclosing political donations and/or lobbying expenditures per Federal Election Commission requirements. We encourage personal participation by the Companies’ directors, officers and associates in the political process in a manner consistent with all relevant laws and Company guidelines. Directors, officers, and associates of the Companies may not use Cboe resources or seek reimbursement for personal political activities. Only authorized individuals may engage in lobbying activities on behalf of the Company.

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