End of Year Timings 2021

James McNulty
December 15, 2021

EuroCCP is pleased to confirm the timelines for the distribution of Client reporting between 24 December and 3 January, as follows:-

 ·        Friday 24 December 2021

EuroCCP will be open and operate a normal daily timetable. CIF & Risk/Margin files will be distributed at the usual time. Margin calls will be made at the usual times.

 ·        Monday 27 December 2021

EuroCCP will be open and operate a normal daily timetable.  CIF & Risk/Margin files will be distributed at the usual time. Margin calls will be made at the usual times.

 ·        Tuesday 28 December 2021

EuroCCP will be open and operate a normal daily timetable.  CIF & Risk/Margin files will be distributed at the usual time. Margin calls will be made at the usual times.

 ·        Friday 31 December 2021

EuroCCP will be open and operate a normal daily timetable.  CIF & Risk/Margin files will be distributed at the usual time. Margin calls will be made at the usual times.

 ·        Monday 3 January 2021

EuroCCP will be open and operate a normal daily timetable.  CIF & CHC files distributed at the usual time. Margin calls will be made at the usual times.

EuroCCP expects to operate a standard daily timetable for the business days over the holiday period and is only closed as usual over weekends.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.