EuroCCP to extend clearing to TP ICAP EU & TP ICAP UK MTF

James McNulty
December 13, 2021

EuroCCP will be extending its clearing services to two new MTFs operated by TP ICAP, effective 14th December 2021.

TP ICAP EU MTF is a MTF authorised by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and is operated by TP ICAP Europe SA. Trades will be reported to EuroCCP with the MIC “TPIR”.

TP ICAP UK MTF is a MTF authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is operated by TP ICAP Markets Limited. Trades will be reported to EuroCCP with the MIC “IMCE”.

EuroCCP has now uploaded the new Statement of Authorities (SOAs) to the relevant section on the website, in which clearing members are requested to complete prior to any activation. 

The addition of the two new MTFs, increases the trading platform coverage to 47 and the 7th new venue added in 2021.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Relationship Management team for any questions relating to this extension of service.