Maker Opportunity
Symbol | Missed Liquidity | Exhausted Liquidity | Routed Liquidity | Volume Opportunity | Cboe ADV | Liquidity Opportunity (% of ADN) |
SPY Dec 19 588.00 Put [03zrSN] | 66,967 | 1,647 | 273 | 68,887 | 5,558 | 1,239.42 |
SPY Dec 20 590.00 Call [02meSc] | 52,466 | 3,026 | 158 | 55,650 | 2,344 | 2,374.15 |
SPY Dec 19 589.00 Call [03zrSF] | 55,000 | 466 | 44 | 55,510 | 2,388 | 2,324.54 |
SPY Dec 19 590.00 Put [03zYHv] | 50,967 | 633 | 48 | 51,648 | 1,944 | 2,656.79 |
SPY Dec 20 592.00 Call [03uDJ6] | 50,192 | 1,247 | 36 | 51,474 | 2,511 | 2,049.94 |
IWM Jan 24 219.00 Put [040YME] | 30,260 | 19,261 | 589 | 50,110 | 338 | 14,825.44 |
SPY Dec 19 589.00 Put [03zrQq] | 49,197 | 640 | 193 | 50,030 | 3,505 | 1,427.39 |
SPY Dec 19 588.00 Call [03zrSK] | 47,166 | 409 | 32 | 47,607 | 1,343 | 3,544.83 |
SPY Dec 20 593.00 Call [03uDJ8] | 45,336 | 742 | 34 | 46,112 | 2,684 | 1,718.03 |
SPY Dec 19 587.00 Put [03zrSI] | 42,892 | 1,167 | 70 | 44,128 | 5,556 | 794.24 |
SPY Dec 20 591.00 Call [03uDKp] | 42,805 | 572 | 13 | 43,391 | 2,211 | 1,962.51 |
SNOW Dec 27 149.00 Put [0408VX] | 42,304 | 499 | 0 | 42,803 | 1 | 4,280,300.00 |
SPY Dec 19 586.00 Call [03zrQR] | 39,359 | 130 | 68 | 39,556 | 303 | 13,054.79 |
SPY Dec 19 590.00 Call [03zYI0] | 36,345 | 745 | 150 | 37,240 | 2,516 | 1,480.13 |
SPY Dec 19 587.00 Call [03zrSG] | 34,688 | 265 | 70 | 35,023 | 522 | 6,709.39 |
SPY Dec 20 589.00 Call [03uDKk] | 34,489 | 387 | 67 | 34,943 | 1,253 | 2,788.75 |
SPY Dec 20 592.00 Put [03uDJ7] | 32,620 | 785 | 45 | 33,449 | 1,953 | 1,712.70 |
SPY Dec 19 593.00 Put [03zrTJ] | 32,693 | 269 | 18 | 32,980 | 525 | 6,281.90 |
INDA Dec 20 54.00 Put [03iqco] | 7,120 | 25,605 | 0 | 32,725 | 3,647 | 897.31 |
SPY Dec 20 588.00 Call [03uDKh] | 30,297 | 396 | 23 | 30,715 | 1,246 | 2,465.09 |
SPY Dec 19 585.00 Call [03ziyp] | 29,479 | 152 | 13 | 29,644 | 288 | 10,293.06 |
SPY Dec 19 591.00 Put [03zrQs] | 29,034 | 252 | 29 | 29,315 | 959 | 3,056.83 |
SPY Dec 19 586.00 Put [03zrSO] | 26,947 | 1,203 | 791 | 28,941 | 5,349 | 541.05 |
SPY Dec 20 590.00 Put [02meTV] | 26,823 | 1,700 | 310 | 28,833 | 2,566 | 1,123.66 |
SPY Dec 20 594.00 Call [03uDJC] | 27,807 | 874 | 58 | 28,740 | 2,168 | 1,325.65 |
Data for 2024-12-16 to 2024-12-20 inclusive.
- Missed Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO where we had no liquidity.
- Exhausted Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO, which were partially filled.
- Routed Liquidity
- This number represents for the last week the average daily volume on orders which were routed and filled on another venue.
- Volume Opportunity
- This is a measure of the total average daily volume of the missed, exhausted and routed liquidity.
- Cboe ADV
- Average Daily Volume for the last week of shares matched on Cboe for the security shown.
- Liquidity Opportunity
- Percentage of the ADV missed, exhausted or routed. The higher the percentage the larger the market making opportunity.