Maker Opportunity
Symbol | Missed Liquidity | Exhausted Liquidity | Routed Liquidity | Volume Opportunity | Cboe ADV | Liquidity Opportunity (% of ADN) |
TLT Jan 17 93.00 Call [03UcA9] | 35,882 | 6,268 | 0 | 42,150 | 21,309 | 197.80 |
SPY Dec 19 589.00 Call [03zrSF] | 30,783 | 216 | 30 | 31,029 | 2,103 | 1,475.46 |
SPY Dec 19 588.00 Put [03zrSN] | 28,063 | 768 | 23 | 28,854 | 2,503 | 1,152.78 |
INDA Dec 20 54.00 Put [03iqco] | 8,714 | 20,063 | 0 | 28,777 | 3,332 | 863.66 |
SPY Dec 19 590.00 Call [03zYI0] | 26,287 | 253 | 12 | 26,551 | 2,710 | 979.74 |
SPXU Jan 17 23.00 Call [034wMi] | 25,754 | 0 | 0 | 25,754 | 0 | n/a |
SPY Dec 19 588.00 Call [03zrSK] | 24,262 | 73 | 0 | 24,335 | 1,157 | 2,103.28 |
SPY Dec 19 589.00 Put [03zrQq] | 21,309 | 145 | 20 | 21,475 | 743 | 2,890.31 |
SPY Dec 19 591.00 Call [03zrQt] | 19,487 | 80 | 45 | 19,612 | 1,070 | 1,832.90 |
SPY Dec 16 607.00 Call [03zMgc] | 18,155 | 779 | 31 | 18,965 | 7,681 | 246.91 |
SPY Dec 19 590.00 Put [03zYHv] | 18,768 | 148 | 6 | 18,922 | 713 | 2,653.86 |
SPY Dec 19 587.00 Put [03zrSI] | 18,322 | 387 | 23 | 18,732 | 1,486 | 1,260.57 |
BITO Dec 27 25.00 Put [03xM0j] | 12,970 | 3,766 | 0 | 16,736 | 181 | 9,246.41 |
SPY Dec 16 606.00 Put [03zMge] | 14,421 | 435 | 33 | 14,889 | 7,633 | 195.06 |
SPXU Jan 17 25.00 Call [034wMr] | 14,536 | 0 | 0 | 14,536 | 0 | n/a |
SPY Dec 20 592.00 Put [03uDJ7] | 14,453 | 57 | 13 | 14,523 | 1,088 | 1,334.83 |
SPY Dec 18 595.00 Call [03zQ8H] | 13,688 | 0 | 397 | 14,085 | 1,137 | 1,238.79 |
SPY Dec 17 604.00 Put [03zONs] | 13,250 | 297 | 7 | 13,554 | 4,174 | 324.72 |
SPY Dec 16 606.00 Call [03zMgQ] | 12,818 | 126 | 10 | 12,954 | 1,778 | 728.57 |
SPY Dec 19 591.00 Put [03zrQs] | 12,462 | 169 | 2 | 12,633 | 436 | 2,897.48 |
NVDA Dec 20 134.00 Call [03mORx] | 9,484 | 2,602 | 55 | 12,141 | 3,755 | 323.33 |
SPY Dec 20 592.00 Call [03uDJ6] | 11,860 | 160 | 10 | 12,029 | 652 | 1,844.94 |
SPY Dec 16 607.00 Put [03zMgZ] | 10,887 | 733 | 6 | 11,626 | 5,702 | 203.89 |
SPY Dec 20 593.00 Put [03uDJ9] | 11,319 | 75 | 1 | 11,395 | 510 | 2,234.31 |
SPY Dec 20 593.00 Call [03uDJ8] | 10,989 | 83 | 12 | 11,084 | 749 | 1,479.84 |
Data for 2024-12-16 to 2024-12-20 inclusive.
- Missed Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO where we had no liquidity.
- Exhausted Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO, which were partially filled.
- Routed Liquidity
- This number represents for the last week the average daily volume on orders which were routed and filled on another venue.
- Volume Opportunity
- This is a measure of the total average daily volume of the missed, exhausted and routed liquidity.
- Cboe ADV
- Average Daily Volume for the last week of shares matched on Cboe for the security shown.
- Liquidity Opportunity
- Percentage of the ADV missed, exhausted or routed. The higher the percentage the larger the market making opportunity.