Maker Opportunity
Symbol | Missed Liquidity | Exhausted Liquidity | Routed Liquidity | Volume Opportunity | Cboe ADV | Liquidity Opportunity (% of ADN) |
SPX Dec 16 6180.00 Put [03zKwR] | 3,886,859 | 0 | 0 | 3,886,859 | 3 | 129,561,966.67 |
SPX Dec 16 6190.00 Put [03zNAR] | 3,013,443 | 0 | 0 | 3,013,443 | 0 | n/a |
SPX Dec 17 6165.00 Put [03zOiP] | 1,380,359 | 0 | 0 | 1,380,359 | 1 | 138,035,900.00 |
VIX Jan 22 20.00 Call [03jYwR] | 1,043,636 | 32,679 | 0 | 1,076,315 | 35,335 | 3,046.03 |
VIX Dec 18 15.00 Call [03hfUW] | 986,301 | 29,022 | 0 | 1,015,323 | 21,165 | 4,797.18 |
SPX Dec 17 6170.00 Put [03z58R] | 923,055 | 0 | 0 | 923,055 | 27 | 3,418,722.22 |
SPX Dec 18 6175.00 Put [03yteL] | 690,354 | 0 | 0 | 690,354 | 7 | 9,862,200.00 |
VIX Jan 22 22.00 Call [03jYwe] | 639,956 | 20,216 | 0 | 660,172 | 8,538 | 7,732.16 |
SPX Dec 18 6180.00 Put [03zKwp] | 647,098 | 0 | 0 | 647,098 | 0 | n/a |
SPX Dec 16 6050.00 Call [03xIvv] | 593,585 | 203 | 0 | 593,788 | 5,278 | 11,250.25 |
VIX Jan 22 30.00 Call [03jYxc] | 531,170 | 17,884 | 0 | 549,054 | 21,762 | 2,522.99 |
SPX Dec 17 6135.00 Put [03zNAZ] | 548,106 | 6 | 0 | 548,112 | 35 | 1,566,034.29 |
SPX Dec 16 6055.00 Call [03z3KU] | 525,073 | 387 | 0 | 525,460 | 4,322 | 12,157.80 |
SPX Dec 16 6060.00 Call [03xml7] | 521,726 | 785 | 0 | 522,511 | 9,008 | 5,800.52 |
SPX Dec 16 6065.00 Call [03z3KW] | 511,277 | 1,437 | 0 | 512,714 | 21,019 | 2,439.29 |
SPX Dec 16 6080.00 Put [03xmlE] | 502,792 | 4,092 | 0 | 506,884 | 82,111 | 617.32 |
SPX Dec 16 6070.00 Call [03xml9] | 492,665 | 2,985 | 0 | 495,650 | 51,714 | 958.44 |
SPX Dec 16 6045.00 Call [03z3KS] | 495,171 | 35 | 0 | 495,206 | 1,631 | 30,362.11 |
SPX Dec 16 6075.00 Call [03xmlB] | 470,748 | 5,106 | 0 | 475,854 | 94,139 | 505.48 |
SPX Dec 16 6090.00 Put [03xmlG] | 467,029 | 226 | 0 | 467,255 | 6,304 | 7,412.04 |
SPX Dec 16 6040.00 Call [03xml5] | 465,317 | 206 | 0 | 465,523 | 1,551 | 30,014.38 |
SPX Dec 16 6085.00 Put [03z57t] | 441,728 | 1,656 | 0 | 443,384 | 22,018 | 2,013.73 |
SPX Dec 16 6080.00 Call [03xmlD] | 435,978 | 6,105 | 0 | 442,083 | 119,362 | 370.37 |
SPX Dec 17 6140.00 Put [03z58N] | 438,125 | 0 | 0 | 438,125 | 49 | 894,132.65 |
SPX Dec 18 6185.00 Put [03zQao] | 437,259 | 0 | 0 | 437,259 | 0 | n/a |
Data for 2024-12-16 to 2024-12-20 inclusive.
- Missed Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO where we had no liquidity.
- Exhausted Liquidity
- This is a measure for the last week of the average daily volume requested at a price equal or better than the NBBO, which were partially filled.
- Routed Liquidity
- This number represents for the last week the average daily volume on orders which were routed and filled on another venue.
- Volume Opportunity
- This is a measure of the total average daily volume of the missed, exhausted and routed liquidity.
- Cboe ADV
- Average Daily Volume for the last week of shares matched on Cboe for the security shown.
- Liquidity Opportunity
- Percentage of the ADV missed, exhausted or routed. The higher the percentage the larger the market making opportunity.